Acceleration was originally added as Bravery's 2nd Epic Spell in Beta 11.0 during the UnderCards 1 year Anniversary. It was also the 2nd of the 2 leaked on Twitter. (The first being Last Dream.) It eventually got replaced by Overheat in Beta 42.0 before being reborn in Beta 43.0 as its 3rd Common Spell (4th if including its Basic Spell) and 1st Deltarune-styled Spell. Previous Versions can be found here.
Before being able to use it, you need another card in your hand (alongside 2G). This is because this spell requires you to 'burn' a card of your choice in your hand. This effectively means that the chosen card is removed from the game, not even being added to your dustpile (which can't happen with spells anyway, which can be chosen). This works similar to an older version of Sans, but now you remove a card from yourself. After doing this, you will draw 3 cards.
This card can work as a replacement for Bravery's old Passive effect, being able to draw multiple cards easily for a cheap price. The need to remove a card can make it harder to use in some decks, though.
- On its release, it costed 2G. This made it the 2nd Epic card to ever be lower than 3G (the other one being an older version of Napstablook).
- In Beta 12.1, it dropped to 1G and was the first Epic card to ever be this cheap.
- Inflation followed this in Beta 17.0, followed by Multi Shot in Beta 37.0.