Undercards Wikia
Undercards Wikia
Battleflies (Original - Beta 55

Original - Beta 55.9

Current Version can be found here. Battleflies was added in Beta 39.1 as a 0/5 for 4G with Haste and the ability to set its ATK to 4 every time you cast a spell. However, it would be set back to 0 at the start of your next turn, meaing you have the cast a new spell. Beta 40.0 made its Turn start effect drop its ATK by 3 instead, meaning it would be left with 1 instead of 0. It also meant that further ATK buffs through monster effects would be kept, but this was insignificant.

Beta 43.0 transformed its effect into an 'Aura', now having +4 ATK after casting a spell until the start of your next turn. This means that, while its ATK would revert back to 0 instead of 1, any other ATK buff will now be safe to use and kept at all times (if the enemy doesn't interfere), as multiple spells in 1 turn now have no effect and only the 4 ATK from its own effect will go back and forth. Beta 45.0 gave it +1 cost. Beta 55.0 also gave it +2 ATK, but its effect now only gives it +2 ATK.



  • 0 (Post Beta 39.1)
  • 2 (Post Beta 55.0, Current)

HP: 5


  • 3 (Post Beta 39.1)
  • 4 (Post Beta 45.0, Current)


  • Haste. Whenever you cast a spell, ...
    • set its ATK to 4. Turn start: Set its ATK to 0. (Post Beta 39.1)
    • set its ATK to 4. Turn start: Gain -3 ATK. (Post Beta 40.0)
    • this has +4 ATK until the start of your next turn. (Post Beta 43.0)
    • this has +2 ATK until the start of your next turn. (Post Beta 55.0, Current)

Rarity: White (Common)


  • Beta 56.0 updated its sprite.