Undercards Wikia
Undercards Wikia
Charles (Original - Beta 53

Original - Beta 53.0

Current Version can be found here.

Charles was added in Beta 9.1, as the first of two monsters with the Armor ability (the other being Receptionist 2, added in the same update). Charles started as a 2G 1/2 with Armor (2). Beta 10.2 gave it +1 ATK, but -1 Armor. Beta 14.0 swapped Charles' Rarity with that of Receptionist 2, making Charles a Common and Receptionist 2 a Rare.

Beta 33.0 gave it +1 ATK again, but this time +1 Cost. Beta 53.0 changed Armor to only reduce DMG by 1 rather than by (x), removing the number after it. Charles, like most others, got its description updated, but effectively stayed the same. Beta 53.1 gave it an actual update, changing its Rarity again, now to Base, making it part of a player's starter deck.

Charles (Beta 14

Beta 14.0



  • 1 (Post Beta 9.1)
  • 2 (Post Beta 10.2)
  • 3 (Post Beta 33.0, Current)

HP: 2


  • 2 (Post Beta 9.1)
  • 3 (Post Beta 33.0, Current)


  • Armor (2). (Post Beta 9.1)
  • Armor (1). (Post Beta 10.2)
  • Armor. (Post Beta 53.0, Current)
    • [Unchanged. Updated wording due to Armor change.]


  • Blue (Rare) (Post Beta 9.1)
  • White (Common) (Post Beta 14.0)
  • Gray (Base) (Post Beta 53.1, Current)


  • Charles had quite a few similarities with Receptionist 2:
    • Released with 2 HP and Armor (2).
    • From Beta 12.1 to Beta 33.0, both had 2/2.
    • Swapped Rarities in Beta 14.0.
    • As of Beta 33.0, Charles has R2's original 3/2.