Undercards Wikia
Undercards Wikia

Previous Versions can be found here.

Ice is a 4/1/6 card of Base rarity. They have the Taunt ability and Paralyze whichever monster killed them.


Ice is not that great of a card, being heavily outclassed by other similar costing Taunt cards like Desk Lamp. Parsnik is also the much better 4-cost Paralyze card. The statline Ice has is not great, having 1 ATK and only being 2 HP higher than dummy, which costs 3 less. Ice has some use by being the only non-TOKEN card that has Taunt and can paralyze. The combination of Taunt and Paralyze is useful for stalling for a turn against certain cards, especially Papyrus. The Dust effect of Ice can be effectively ignored if the attacking card dies while killing the Ice, which is most notable when low HP Haste cards like Spider are used against it. The Paralyze effect of Ice can be useful in combination with Snow Warning, as the Hail artifact makes Paralyzed monsters take +1 damage, giving Ice some niche usecase. Overall Ice is not that great in its current spot, but newer players can use it as an okay stall until they get better cards like Desk Lamp or Parsnik.
