Beta 50.0
Current Version can be found here.

Beta 51.0
Ice E Mascot was added in Beta 50.0 as a 2/4 for 4G Haste monster that would paralyze any monster it attacks, an ability that originally belonged to Moldbygg and was moved to Ice until it was removed entirely.

Beta 52.0
Beta 51.0 redesigned it already. It's now a 4/4 for 5G with the Magic of adding a random monster from your dustpile with an equal cost to its own (excluding another Ice E Mascot) to both your hand and your deck, thus creating 2 copies. Beta 52.0 gave it +1 ATK, but now only a single copy is created and added to the top of your deck.

Beta 53.0
Beta 53.0 gave it -1/-1/-1 and brought it from a Rare to a Common. Its effect now adds a random Rare monster to your hand from your dustpile, or your deck if there is none. Beta 53.1 gave it -1/+2.
- 2 (Post Beta 50.0)
- 4 (Post Beta 51.0)
- 5 (Post Beta 52.0)
- 4 (Beta 53.0)
- 3 (Post Beta 53.1, Current)
- 4 (Post Beta 50.0)
- 3 (Beta 53.0)
- 5 (Post Beta 53.1, Current)
- 4 (Post Beta 50.0)
- 5 (Post Beta 51.0)
- 4 (Post Beta 53.0, Current)
- Haste. Paralyze any monster this attacks. (Post Beta 50.0)
- Magic: Copy a random other monster from your dustpile with a cost ...
- equal to its own to your hand and deck. (Post Beta 51.0)
- equal to its own to the top of your deck. (Post Beta 52.0)
- Magic: Add a random Rare monster from your dustpile to your hand.
- If there is none, draw a Rare monster instead. (Post Beta 53.0, Current)
- Blue (Rare) (Post Beta 50.0)
- White (Common) (Post Beta 53.0, Current)