Undercards Wikia
Undercards Wikia

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Sticky situation

Sticky Sitation

Moldbygg is a 4/4/3 monster of Common rarity. It belongs to the Molds tribe. When played, if there is an ally Mold they will catch Moldsmal. When Moldbygg dies it will release Moldsmal if it was caught.


Moldbygg is an essential component of Mold decks, as they are a very sticky card. Essentially being 2 cards on the board, Moldbygg provides a ton of value and is the main way Mold decks gain a foothold until they get Moldmega. Moldbygg is often the card you want copies of from Moldstack, as this card provides a ton of value and can be very difficult to remove when spammed, as well as filling up the dustpile making it easier to trigger Moldmega. Moldbygg is something that should be ran 3 of in any Mold deck, but outside of that deck they aren't great, so it is best to go full Molds with them.

Card Skins[]

  • Sticky situation (Emerald)